In the face of the unprecedented attack on Israel during Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret, our nation is at war.
Now, more than ever, unity is our strength. We are glad to be returning to South of Florida, determined to re-establish the IAC activities and impact.

Join us as we welcome two distinguished individuals: Dr. Miriam Adelson, physician and philanthropist, who together with her late husband Sheldon G. Adelson Z”L, had the foresight and vision ten years ago to invest in Israeli American leadership and help the IAC grow into a national movement of unequivocal supporters of Israel. This event will also feature Elan S. Carr, IAC new CEO and former White House Special Envoy to Combat antisemitism.

Featuring special musical guest, Harel Skatt and Emcee, Emily Austin.

Support our mission of building a pro-active community with Israel at heart and Israeliness in spirit.
Your gift empowers our community members to combat antisemitism and anti-Zionism each and every day.
Your Support Fuels Our Mission!

December 18, 2023 at 6:30 PM

Space is limited.
If you have any questions or would like to sponsor the event,
please email Eleanor at

Our heartfelt thanks go to our  Event Co-chairs, Miriam and Dror Zadok, for their invaluable support and our generous hosts Helena and Jacob Shaham for opening their beautiful home and hosting our event.

A $1,000 minimum donation, per person.

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Make a special contribution and show your support! Please select an option below.

I am unable to attend but would love to support IAC.

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