Welcome to #TenDays4Good project

Start a chain reaction that could result in thousands of good deeds for the world!

When you receive your #TenDays4Good bracelet, you have exactly 10 days to complete the challenge: Make someone’s day by doing one good deed.

We at IAC Care are excited to collaborate with the TenDaysGive initiative. TenDaysGive’s main goal is to spread kindness, good deeds and volunteering spirit around the world. The word “TEN” means “give” in Hebrew. And there is no better way to start a new activity year and celebrate Rosh Hashana, than with an action of giving .

By wearing our bracelet, you immediately become part of our borderless and limitless community of individuals who are joining a ten-day challenge.

It is a simple challenge. When you receive your #TenDays4Good bracelet, you have exactly 10 days  to complete the challenge: Make someone’s day by doing one good deed.

Then, spread the love and pay it forward.
Only one simple rule: you must pass the bracelet on to the next person within ten days after you complete your good deed.

How simple is that?

The founder of the project is Dana Ben-Barak, a 31-year-old English teacher from Israel. She had the idea on her mind for a couple of years until she decided to take a leap of faith and launch it with the cooperation of her pupils, family and friends. Today we join the thousands of TenDaysGive bracelets on wrists all over Israel and in some countries around the world.

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