The IAC is focused on building a community that connects its young generation to Jewish identity and Israel, training and educating the Jewish leaders of tomorrow, and defending Israel in fighting BDS and antisemitism.

Please support our mission of building a pro-active community with Israel at heart and Israeliness in spirit, from coast to coast. United in ensuring that the next generation is strong, connected to Israel and is empowered to take a stand!

At IAC we believe in unity without uniformity.

Creating the leaders of tomorrow by educating through our various programs for all ages.

Affecting change through ACT & IMPACT which empowers teens, community members and schools with the abilities to address and take charge of leadership roles when facing instances of antisemitism and anti-Zionism within their communities.

Investing in relationships through networking and exclusive experiences through a variety of events and uniquely individualized attention, club members are a part of a synergistic network with Israel at heart, and become an integral part of a cohesive collective of influence, united and engaged like never before.

Engaging communities with Israel at heart through Israeli culture, celebrations, and remembrance. 

Give today and YOU can make a lasting impact for generations to come.

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