lydia Image 2023-01-26 at 14.56.04


Board Member

Lydia is a computer engineer with expertise in numerical analysis and modern mathematics. Lydia worked with NASA designing new military aircraft. Following her work at NASA, Lydia moved to the Silicone Valley and helped design the first Window interface on personal computers. Following her move to Cleveland, Lydia returned to work at NASA and helped to speed storage and access of multi Terabytes of data transferred from space satellites and telescopes to earth.

Currently, Lydia is a full-time community volunteer. She is devoting her energy and passion for building and strengthening the Israeli Cleveland community and bridging to the Jewish community. Additionally, Lydia serves as the Vice Chair of Israel Bond Women’s Council, serves in the board of Cleveland Hillel Foundation, member of the Brandies University Parent Advisory Board, member of the Jewish Federation’s Overseas Connections Committee, Israel sister city committee & Community Relations Committee, AIPAC Washington Club member, and an Eliot Society member of Washington University in Saint Louis.

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