
Teen Activism ACTathon

Atlanta, GA

By IAC Atlanta
event ticket
Face 2 Face
Cycle 0
Friday August 19, 2022 5:00 pm
Friday August 19, 2022 8:00 pm
(Eastern Time)
Duration: 3 hours
Multiple Occurences:
 Starts: Sunday August 21 - 9:30 am   
 Ends: Sunday August 21 - 4:00 pm   

IAC Atlanta is proud to present a special Teen ACTathon!

Is your high schooler concerned about the rise in antisemitism and wondering what they can do about it?
Does your high schooler want to stand out by attaining essential career skills they can add to their skillset and resume?
Is your high schooler interested in marketing, design, social media, technology, or being a company executive?
Does your high schooler want to make a difference in the fight against antisemitism?
Join the Israeli American Council for our Teen ACTathon!
More and more middle and high school students have experienced antisemitic events at school, and we need YOUR help to decide the future of how the IAC will create
Community mobilization in the fight against antisemitism.

  • In small “companies,” develop a branding strategy for a platform that informs the IAC of antisemitic incidents so that we can support students, families and local communities!
    The platform will be used NATIONWIDE!
  • Work with industry experts in marketing, social media, design, technology, and MORE as you expand your critical thinking and collaboration skills, as well as your presentation and pitch abilities.
    Each “company” will present their branding strategy to a panel of judges
    for a chance to win a FULL SCHOLARSHIP to the IAC Summit in Austin, TX from January 19-January 22, 2023!
  • Learn more about the “Bias in Classrooms” with acclaimed speaker Ken Stein
    from the Center for Israel Education!

    *Shishi Shabbat dinner on Friday, lunch on Sunday, and a t-shirt included with admission

-העלייה המטרידה באנטישמיות מכה קרוב לבית, וגורמת לבני נוער רבים לתהות
?מה אנחנו יכולים לעשות בנדון
!אטלנטה מזמינה אתכם להצטרף לעשרות בני נוער להאקתון קיץ מיוחד IAC
במהלך הימים הללו תעברו תהליך של סיעור מוחות, מחקר והצגת מוצר מקצועי
תוך הדרכה על ידי אנשי מקצוע מהשורה הראשונה בתחום
!ובכך תוכלו לקחת את המאבק באנטישמיות לשלב הבא
יום שישי ה-19 באוגוסט בין השעות 17:00-20:00
יום ראשון ה-21 באוגוסט בין השעות 09:30-16:00


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Single Ticket (Early bird-$60)
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